Puppy Training

Posted on Aug 11, 2009
Adopt a Shelter Dog, Dog Humor, Dogs and Death, House Training, Rehoming a Dog, Socialization, Uncategorized
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In the 80’s there were some major changes in the thought on how to best raise children.  In order to not hurt their spirit and to give them a little personal power, kids were given choices.  A lot of choices.  Oatmeal or dry cereal or maybe just some fruit?  Tennis shoes, sandals, and which color would you like?

Giving kids choices is a good idea when they are of age to comprehend choice and consequence.  Until then, the parent may do well to provide guidance and keep the peace by not giving a child so many choices they never get out the door on time.

I am mentioning this because I am finding a lot of this type of four-legged parenting.  I hear things like, “my dog doesn’t like being on a leash.”  “They are depressed when in their crate.”  My dog doesn’t want to poop outside.”  As a trainer who wants the best for you and your canine relationship, I have to say something. . . they don’t get a choice!

You are their provider and you are showing them moment by moment what life is like when they live with you.  Not the other way around.  When someone tells me they haven’t trained their dog, I remind them they have.  The question is what have they trained them?  Puppy training begins the second they come through your door.  A dog can quickly adopt the idea that you have joined their family and they set the rules.

You can do more damage to their psyche by not being a consistent leader (or parent if that fits you better.)  They don’t need a lot of choices in order to love and respect us.

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