Posted on Jun 05, 2011
I have posted previously about dogs and their need for exercise. Humans tend to be highly motivated and inspired to exercise after the first of the new year and into spring and summer. After that, we call it good until winter passes. Our dogs don’t quite see it the same way.
Exercise needs vary depending on the breed and some dogs need their brain exercised more than they do their legs; however, it usually goes together. I like to remind people who walk their dog every day at 4:00 for 30 minutes, that eventually their dog’s stamina increases and 30 minutes will no longer be adequate, not to mention boring. I suggest varying the routine – duration and what it is you use for exercise.
I was working out this morning with my hand weights and Zoe decided to join me. I told her she will receive greater benefit if she gets off the couch!

Posted on May 28, 2011
Dog Humor, service dog, Uncategorized, Yorkie
Dogs are of service to us in so many ways. This week, I noticed my grass and dandelion-filled lawn could use a trim. I sent the dogs out in the yard to serve as a gauge and measuring tool of sorts. This was their report of findings: “If you can’t find the dog, the grass is too long!” I thanked them for yet another service and promptly called a gardener.

Posted on May 23, 2011
Dog Humor, Standard Poodle, Uncategorized
It’s true, your dog may need glasses. Rosie, a lovely Standard Poodle, was showing signs of impaired vision. She began to mistake friendly, nice humans as those who deserve her “words” (and maybe a few teeth) for approaching when they should know to ask before they pet her. A girl has gotta’ have some boundaries to be safe in this world!
Normally, as a trainer, I would suggest a head collar and some redirecting for when Rosie is passing people who just have to touch a pretty Standard such as herself. In this case, I told Susan we should try glasses. Maybe Rosie’s vision is shifting right along with ours, and clearer vision may do the trick. I know I’m far less likely to growl and bear my teeth when I can see clearly who is approaching.
There will be an adjustment period required in order for Rosie to adapt to her new look. Personally, I think she looks beautiful in her new specks!

Posted on May 13, 2011
Dog Psychology, Uncategorized
Here is an image of two identical dog bones. Right?
The answer is yes, if you are a human. If you are a dog or can for a moment see through the eyes of a dog, the bone they want is the one you give to the other dog. That’s just how it works. Show them, tell them, even try to trick them, and they know they have the wrong bone. They are supposed to have the bone the other dog has until, of course they do, then the rotation starts all over again.
Finally, if you are lucky, they will actually chew on a bone and relinquish their obsession with the other – if but only for a moment.
Posted on May 12, 2011
Adopt a Shelter Dog, Fostering a Dog
I’ve posted previously about my experience with fostering dogs. I only have one at a time and with a senior dog of my own, the fostering program in my household has been put on hold. There are a lot of opportunities to foster through the shelters and rescue groups. I have done it on my own when the need (dog) presented itself. Last weekend, I was invited to visit with Sam, a Goldendoodle I had fostered and who was adopted by an absolutely amazing and wonderful family. Lucky dog…lucky humans.

Posted on Mar 18, 2011
Adopt a Shelter Dog, Behavioral Modification, Dog Psychology, Dog Rescue, Dog Training, Yorkie
Have you ever heard it said we show people how to treat us? It’s not much different with our dogs. From moment one, when you bring a dog into your home, they are learning from you. If you have other dogs, they are learning from them (and vice versa). If you provide no structure or “rules,” they aren’t likely to either. They will be looking to you for guidance on where they fit in and what’s considered good behavior.
I receive calls often from those who just brought a dog home and feel like it just isn’t going to work. The dog isn’t what they thought it would be. That’s normal. Ever heard of buyer’s remorse? It can happen during that first 24 hour perid when we wonder what in the heck we were thinking when we got another dog. So, how long should it take to train this new being of your affection? I wish there were a simple answer.
If you read my blog you know I feature Melody, my Yorkie. She is a perfect example of a dog from a shelter that was sure to be someone’s little cuddle dog – not even close. I knew her from the shelter so her history of biting those that reached for her would not get her into a home that was looking for that immediate cuddle gratification. How long would it take if she ever warmed up to a human’s touch?
My question to dog people is how long do you have to train your dog? You don’t train a dog to be affectionate and trusting by dicipline, you train by example and a lot of patience. After three years, she is still learning trust. She had some great teachers with the other dogs she’s been around. They showed her I was trustworthy.
Here’s an image that I love because it took Melody a couple of years to allow herself to be this vulnerable. Don’t expect to see “this Melody” if you come to our house, but someday you might, and when you do, you will see she was well worth the wait! How much time do you have to train your dog?

Posted on Mar 06, 2011
Adopt a Shelter Dog, Yorkie
Only if she lives in a pink castle…