Do Dogs Really Like Exercise?

Posted on Apr 03, 2009
Agility, Behavioral Modification, Dog Psychology, Dog Training, Doggie Rehab
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Most dogs I know start their day off early.  They wake up, lick some water, “go,” and then head to the gym for some much-dreaded exercise.  Maybe at the end of their day they are thinking, “I can’t believe it, I didn’t make it to the gym again!”  Right?

So, do all dogs like exercise?  In the wild, dogs wouldn’t have set up a track field and directed one another to run five miles (by the way, none of them would be overweight.)  Just like us, when dogs are moving, there is usually a purpose. Or, let’s just say it takes more focus and is lot more fun if there is.   This is one reason that taking your dog to an agility class can be so rewarding for both of you.

Putting a dog out in the back yard may or may not be exercise.  Most likely not, unless, there’s a purpose – something to chase (another dog), something to get their attention.  Otherwise, they will do the same thing outside they would have done inside. . .lay down.

Dogs need to move but consider the breed of your dog and what would be appropriate and necessary for them.  Your extreme need for exercise (or lack of it) may not be the same as your dog’s.  Try different things, and see if you can give purpose to their exercise (and yours)!

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