Going Green Is For The Dogs

Posted on Apr 28, 2010
Dog Humor, Dog Training
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If they can do it…so can we!

Update on Courage

Posted on Apr 28, 2010
Adopt a Shelter Dog, Behavioral Modification, Dog Abuse, Dog Rescue, Doggie Rehab
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I posted previously about Courage, the German Shepherd left to starve to death in his human’s yard. Here is a link to his web site. What an inspirational story! He is also being adopted by his foster family.

German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County Features Courage

Man’s Best Buddy!

Posted on Apr 26, 2010
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Watch this video as a dog known for his shy behavior, goes for help when there’s a fire at home.  The patrol car sees the dog and it’s obvious that Buddy is leading them to his home.  Apparently, the GPS had frozen on the vehicle.  Buddy’s guidance was instrumental in leading the Troopers to the fire.

Diamond in the Ruff!

Posted on Apr 25, 2010
Adopt a Shelter Dog, Dog Abuse, Dog Rescue, Doggie Rehab
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I have known so many dogs like this jewel…don’t pass them by.

Dog Versus Instinct

Posted on Apr 22, 2010
Behavioral Modification, Dog Humor, Dog Psychology, Dogs and Instinct
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Usually when we think of a dog and its instincts, we don’t think in the context of us (dog) versus them (instinct).  A dog may never be truly separated from its instincts, however, it may have to grow into them.

While working with puppies, particularly male puppies, it is interesting to observe their response to their instincts particularly as it pertains to their developing hormones.   Until the hormones align with maturity, it is as if their instincts work against them.  Some males never lift their leg and others…well, could use a father figure saying something like, “son, never pee into the wind.” In the case of some male pups, it would be, “son, lift the other leg.”

I watched as a six-month-old ALL-MALE pup, sniffed a place where another dog had gone, and rather than lifting the leg next to the targeted rock, lifted the wrong leg. Too funny. I, of course, would never laugh at the dog.

I had him out for socialization, and as he focused on the scent where another dog had marked, he began to mark. What was so entertaining, is he doesn’t yet know to ration his urine so he went freely as he was walking away! Another time, he looked down as he was mid-stream and the urine hit his chin. He jumped with a startled expression as if to ask, “who just sprayed me and why?”

He will get his brain soon and his body will mature and the hormones will stabilize. Until then, I will enjoy the maturing process of this beautiful (when he is sleeping) boy.

Gotta’ Get Rid of This Dog

Posted on Apr 20, 2010
Adopt a Shelter Dog, Dog Abuse, Dog Rescue
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Those are words I hate to hear.

Unfortunately, an estimated 150,000 dogs are feeling and living the impact of that statement and that’s just on http://Petfinder.org.

I cringe when I hear someone say they have to get ride of their dog. I know they’re just words. Just words. . .”get rid of”. . .I think of a lot of things we can all get rid of and none of them would even closely resemble a dog. I’d like someone to be able to look in the eyes of their dog and explain exactly what getting rid of them means.

There may be a lot of reasons that a dog should be re-homed or helped in other ways due to a consideration that is in the best interest of the dog. I am very grateful I have my dogs, and while I’ll have them with me for the remainder of their lives, I’m not their first home.

It’s not that there can’t be some synchronicity at play which brings the right dog to us but that’s a different story than a dog that someone chooses to get rid of out of an inconvenience. Some dogs are fortunate to have been loved by several families and have always known a loving environment. Some haven’t. A dog who has gone from love to love to love, is usually a healthy dog. A dog with a history of abuse or neglect in any way, may take time to trust us and adapt to being loved.

Maybe you or I will be lucky enough to be loved by one of these dogs.


It’s Officially Puppy Season!

Posted on Apr 15, 2010
Adopt a Shelter Dog, Dog Rescue, Puppies, Uncategorized
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Puppy Season is upon us! It sounds exciting doesn’t it? Puppies are adorable and make us smile! They smell good and make the sweetest sounds. Later in life, the smell and sounds as they sit in the shelter aren’t quite as appealing. I know there are people who want to share the miracle of birth and the wonder of these new, precious lives with their kids or just for themselves. May I make a suggestion?

If you really want that puppy experience, (or an “accident” occurs because the dog wasn’t neutered/spayed), and you can keep and care for all of the pups throughout their lives, great. If you are like most and about five weeks into the adventure of puppy-dom the thrill is gone and you place ads on Craigslist or wait in front of the grocery store with a basket of pups, here’s an alternative. Connect with a local rescue group or shelter and offer to foster a pregnant dog or her puppies, and then you can have the experience and feel great about your contribution.

There are a lot of reputable breeders who have waiting lists of people wanting their dogs. This is not about you. While I may think a moratorium on breeding sounds like a great idea, it’s not the solution. The ones most responsible for the over-population wouldn’t participate any way!

I know I say it often, but do what you can to help the shelters and rescue/foster organizations. You may be surprised at what may seem like a little feels like a lot to those who need your help.

If you want to adopt a puppy or any dog for that matter, I am very happy to help hook you up with a rescue or to check out the area shelters for you. It can be overwhelming, but trust me, it’s well worth it!

This Is What Courage Looks Like

Posted on Apr 14, 2010
Dog Abuse, Dog Rescue
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Dog Breeds and Their “Do”

Posted on Apr 11, 2010
Dog Grooming, Dog Humor
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Ever noticed how you can easily identify a dog as a specific breed because of their grooming (hairdo)?  Now, with some of the mix breeds, it can be very tough to identify a dog unless it has a familiar cut.  People are offended when I say, “what a cute Cockapoo (Cocker and Poodle), and they look surprised that I didn’t know it was a Bishon and poodle mix.  When they are puppies, it is very tough.  The shape (curl, length, cropped) of the tail is a good indicator, but if the dog is sitting, that’s of no help.

I guess if having a specific breed is important, it could be offensive if no one gets it right.  I saw a guy at the store with an adorable dog in the shopping cart.  Judging by the grooming style, I asked inquisitively, “Labradoodle?”  He wasn’t offended at all and informed me it was a Havanese.  He kept the hair cut for comfort for the dog and easy care.  I liked that.  He told me that a woman who also has a Havanese scolded him for not giving the dog a proper hair cut!  Too funny.  (I don’t really think it’s funny – I think it’s sad).

Since I am their groomer, I don’t groom my dogs so they can easily be identified as their breed, but for their comfort and, quite frankly, ease of care for me!  It is much easier when it’s obvious that Melody is a Yorkie and then they look at Moby and wonder.  I’m not offended in the least.  I get the same look from people trying to guess my nationality(ies)?

I think it would be fun if for one year everyone had their dog’s hair cut like that of another breed dog!  This would present a challenge for most groomers and especially for the humans when they go pick up their dog and don’t recognize which one it is!

None of this really matters except to say with all the mixes now and most of them containing some fraction of poodle, you aren’t alone in not knowing what dog is what. You can never lose, by just saying, “what a cute dog!”

How To Keep Your Dog In The Yard

Posted on Apr 09, 2010
Behavioral Modification, Dog Commands, Dog Psychology, Dog Training, Dogs and Instinct
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The secret to keeping your dog safely in the yard is to build a fence!  I wish it were easier than that.  When we move into a home, it is very clear to us that this is our house and this is our yard.  Dogs don’t.  They learn where they live, but for the most part, a yard is a yard is a yard.

Some dog breeds have less of a prey drive and are more connected to the needs and wants of their human pack.  They may never even consider wandering off unless it is to follow you.  Others, appear to go deaf and experience a sudden loss of memory when instinct or wanderlust kicks in.  Dogs can be taught the boundary of a yard, but even the best trained dog may run after a foot-loose rabbit. (Can’t you just hear their, “woo-hoo – got me a wabbit!   Yard?  Boundary?  Give me a second!”)

It is very important to continually reinforce their recall (coming to you) because if, or should I say when they take off, they will respond to your call.   At that moment, their response to “come” is more important than the fact they left the yard.

Don’t ask me how I know this!  =)