Archives for Dog Grooming category

Do Dogs Like Their Baths?

Posted on May 22, 2010
Adopt a Shelter Dog, Dog Grooming, Dog Humor, Dog Smile
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I love to watch the antics of my dogs after their bath time!  If given a chance, most dogs will roll around and frolic after their bath.  While it appears they feel great and are doing a dance of joy, my guess is they are trying to get their stink back on!

Here’s Melody, my little Yorkie, after her bath.  She always makes me smile.  I like to think I’m smiling with her.

Dog Breeds and Their “Do”

Posted on Apr 11, 2010
Dog Grooming, Dog Humor
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Ever noticed how you can easily identify a dog as a specific breed because of their grooming (hairdo)?  Now, with some of the mix breeds, it can be very tough to identify a dog unless it has a familiar cut.  People are offended when I say, “what a cute Cockapoo (Cocker and Poodle), and they look surprised that I didn’t know it was a Bishon and poodle mix.  When they are puppies, it is very tough.  The shape (curl, length, cropped) of the tail is a good indicator, but if the dog is sitting, that’s of no help.

I guess if having a specific breed is important, it could be offensive if no one gets it right.  I saw a guy at the store with an adorable dog in the shopping cart.  Judging by the grooming style, I asked inquisitively, “Labradoodle?”  He wasn’t offended at all and informed me it was a Havanese.  He kept the hair cut for comfort for the dog and easy care.  I liked that.  He told me that a woman who also has a Havanese scolded him for not giving the dog a proper hair cut!  Too funny.  (I don’t really think it’s funny – I think it’s sad).

Since I am their groomer, I don’t groom my dogs so they can easily be identified as their breed, but for their comfort and, quite frankly, ease of care for me!  It is much easier when it’s obvious that Melody is a Yorkie and then they look at Moby and wonder.  I’m not offended in the least.  I get the same look from people trying to guess my nationality(ies)?

I think it would be fun if for one year everyone had their dog’s hair cut like that of another breed dog!  This would present a challenge for most groomers and especially for the humans when they go pick up their dog and don’t recognize which one it is!

None of this really matters except to say with all the mixes now and most of them containing some fraction of poodle, you aren’t alone in not knowing what dog is what. You can never lose, by just saying, “what a cute dog!”