Significance of Dog Names

Posted on May 08, 2008
Discussion Tab, Dog Psychology
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I find dog names interesting. Some fit the dogs perfectly and some – not so much. Some are named after their appearance as in Scruffy. Some are named after their coloring as in Taffy or after their markings as in Spot.

Some have names that are always followed by an inquisitive “oh, that’s an interesting name. What does it mean?” It could mean “I needed something clever so that my dog would know it’s greatness.” Or, sometimes it is something of interest but certainly not to the dog. =)

Some are named based on their stature or physical size like Goliath. Some for the personality that their people hope they have as in Zorro or Zena. Some are given human names like Mikey or Sam. You’ll have to ask them about that.

I don’t think the name is all that important because let’s face it, we could call them anything and given enough repetition they’d respond. It often seems that the name isn’t as significant as the tone used when saying it. It’s important to remember that. (Tone will be a topic for another post.)

The truth is, I think we pick names for our dogs because we don’t think we can consistently spell or say mujulickylululoveypuppy. That’s their “real” name.

What’s your dog’s REAL name?

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