What You Need to Know About Dog Training

Posted on Aug 27, 2009
Behavioral Modification, Discussion Tab, Dog Psychology, Dog Training
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I don’t think I’ll lose business by this post.  At least, I hope I don’t!  I just wanted to share something. . .what if a lot of what you needed to know about dog training, you already know?  I know you don’t think this is true, and I hope you never do!

However, the reason I write this is because as the sometimes-common-sense-trainer that I am, I meet men in the military who command respect from hundreds and are at a loss with how to deal with their dog.  Mothers of teenage children who sit in wonder as their dog misbehaves.

I suggest you still work with a trainer and behaviorist, AND as you do, think of your state of mind when you are in control in other areas of your life.  Dogs are extremely in tune with our energy.  If they had words, they would be great counselors for us as they reflect back to us what they sense we are feeling.

I know the reason. . .when we get in from work or dealing with other aspects of life, we want to curl up with our dog and not have to be in charge.  With some dogs, you can get by; however, this isn’t usually the case.  Dogs need guidance and structure.  Rules to live by, so to speak.    Someone will be making the rules, and it should be you!

So, regardless of the form of training you choose, remember you may already know a lot of what you need to know to train your dog.

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