Archives for Discussion Tab category
Posted on Oct 01, 2009
Behavioral Modification, Discussion Tab, Dog Psychology, Dog Training, Dogs and Instinct
As a constant observer of dogs, I am still amazed at how shifts in their behavior occur as they mature. It is interesting to see how at times they will appear to be practicing to be dominant. I’ll explain using two separate incidences.
I was working with a dog who is a big fan of chasing anything that moves or may move or used to move! On this occasion, we were making progress with him when I looked down to notice his hackles were up. I couldn’t help but think the timing was off. Something in him triggered this response and he even seemed unsure about his behavior. Natural, though it is, I believe he was in a sense trying out his maturing instincts. The dog didn’t appear to feel threatened. It was either a delayed or premature response. Practice perhaps?
Recently, my own dog who is 18 months of age, kicked up his back legs for the very first time. It was a macho move, but he was awkward and the action appeared misplaced. He looked up at me as if to say, “look, I’m kicking my legs up!” It was like he was practicing for when he would need to show his new-found dominant move. My other thought was that he had witnessed this strut as done by his little (tiny in comparison) brother, who exhibited this macho-manner after nearly every potty break.
I believe they are trying on things much like when you are fortunate enough to see a child as they catch their reflection in a mirror practicing a confident look or pose. It’s not a necessary posture at that moment, but it may be and one needs to be prepared!
As you enjoy the many changes that occur in the life of your dog, watch carefully for those times when they appear to be growing into their instincts.
If your maturing dog is exhibiting new behaviors and you aren’t sure how to handle them, please submit your question in the box to the right (I share it with Melody).
Posted on Sep 12, 2009
Behavioral Modification, Discussion Tab, Dog Psychology
There’s an interesting study about dog behavior being conducted at Harvard. A few of the observations:
* Is your dog patient? If given a choice between 1 treat immediately, or 5 treats in a few minutes, will your dog wait patiently for the 5 treats?
* Can your dog cooperate with a human or another dog to gain access to a highly valued reward, and if this capacity is in place, does your dog recognize that some efforts to cooperate merit greater rewards than others?
* Does your dog distinguish between accidental and intentional actions?
Here’s the link and a short video worth watching. Harvard Canine Cognition Lab
Some of you may not want to know how smart your dog really is! I’m waiting for them to clean up after themselves and perhaps do a little dusting.
Posted on Aug 28, 2009
Aggression, Behavioral Modification, Discussion Tab, Dog Psychology, Dog Training, Doggie Rehab, Dominant Dog, Pit Bull
I have been contacted by more and more people concerned their dog is aggressive. They may even state they have a “red zone dog.” Here’s an article I wrote on this subject. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your dog’s behavior.
Red Zone Dogs
Posted on Aug 27, 2009
Behavioral Modification, Discussion Tab, Dog Psychology, Dog Training
I don’t think I’ll lose business by this post. At least, I hope I don’t! I just wanted to share something. . .what if a lot of what you needed to know about dog training, you already know? I know you don’t think this is true, and I hope you never do!
However, the reason I write this is because as the sometimes-common-sense-trainer that I am, I meet men in the military who command respect from hundreds and are at a loss with how to deal with their dog. Mothers of teenage children who sit in wonder as their dog misbehaves.
I suggest you still work with a trainer and behaviorist, AND as you do, think of your state of mind when you are in control in other areas of your life. Dogs are extremely in tune with our energy. If they had words, they would be great counselors for us as they reflect back to us what they sense we are feeling.
I know the reason. . .when we get in from work or dealing with other aspects of life, we want to curl up with our dog and not have to be in charge. With some dogs, you can get by; however, this isn’t usually the case. Dogs need guidance and structure. Rules to live by, so to speak. Someone will be making the rules, and it should be you!
So, regardless of the form of training you choose, remember you may already know a lot of what you need to know to train your dog.
Posted on Aug 04, 2009
Behavioral Modification, Discussion Tab, Dog Training
Previously, I posted about Puppies Behind Bars. The newly elected Senator Franken has introduced legislation for hundreds of service dogs to be trained to alter the lives of wounded U.S. Veterans. For more information and/or to show your support, go to the fetchdog ad in the column to the right.
Posted on Jul 29, 2009
Adopt a Shelter Dog, Discussion Tab, Dog Psychology, Pit Bull, Uncategorized
If you are visiting shelters in search of a new dog and are confused about which breed is best, I encourage you to do some research, but don’t eliminate a dog based on the stereotype alone. Different breeds definitely have their own unique qualities but these qualities are not exclusive.
As you consider which dog is best for your family, make an informed decision and one definitely based on the dog itself rather than the stereotype of their breed. Here’s an article on this subject:
Dog Stereotypes
If you have any questions or concerns about a dog you want to adopt, please contact me!
Posted on Jul 22, 2009
Behavioral Modification, Discussion Tab, Dog Psychology, Dog Training
Get the answer to your dog training question from the one who knows – a dog!
This post is dedicated to Melody. She came up with the idea that I respond to questions from the humans and she respond to questions from the dogs. I guess she’s right. Dogs would have a different perspective on training and behavior modification than most humans.
Melody is a rescue dog from a puppy mill where she brought a lot of Yorkie’s into the world. If any dog deserves the right to speak, it’s her. So, if your dog has a question regarding you (their human), training and/or behavior modification, use the box to the right.
Melody does a fine introduction in the video. . .
Posted on Jul 18, 2009
Behavioral Modification, Discussion Tab, Dog Humor
If you are desiring to add a dog to your fur family, looking for that perfect mate might take some time. I do suggest you take matters into your own hands. Left to the dogs, this might happen. . . (a Friday funny)

Posted on Jul 09, 2009
Aggression, Behavioral Modification, Discussion Tab, Dogfighting, Doggie Rehab, Pit Bull
The Humane Society of the United States does it again – this time it’s huge! They conducted the largest dog dogfighting raid ever resulting in the saving of 450 lives! Here’s the link – donate if you can.
Eight-State Dogfighting Raid