Posted on Jun 23, 2008
Behavioral Modification, Dog Psychology, Dog Training, Doggie Rehab, Rehoming a Dog, Training
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I so appreciate Cesar Milan’s approach and instruction on being a calm, assertive leader. What I see a lot of are loud, anxious, demonstrative, wanna-be-leaders. And, I’m not talking about the dog. =)

In observing the introduction of dogs to one another, there is a posturing but not a lot of noise. Usually, the noisy one is attempting to demonstrate their authority. I’m not sure that the alpha/leader in the group isn’t amused by the interaction while appearing tolerant.

Remember that when you are demonstrating authority to one or more dogs, that you do it with intention and presence of mind rather than as a reaction and in fear. Think of something that you really KNOW and then bring that same level of knowing to BEING the authority with the dog. They WILL get it as soon as you do.

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