Home Is Where the Human Is

Posted on Apr 10, 2009
Behavioral Modification, Discussion Tab, Dog Psychology, Dog Training
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The saying usually goes, “home is where the heart is.”  When it comes to our dogs, home is where their human is.

If you are having to relocate and you are moving to a smaller place with less yard and are worried about your dog –  don’t.  They won’t care as long as you are there.  We may only think it’s good for the dog when we’re moving to a large home or some place with a big yard. Moving can be stressful regardless.  Whether you are living in a studio or in a mansion, your dog will know they are home, because you are there.

It’s easy to attach human emotions to our dogs and be overly concerned about what they are feeling. They may have boundaries that are reduced as you down-size.  They will quickly adjust as they go through their list of must-have’s for happiness. . .human (complete with guidance, structure, and love), food, water.

Their needs are met in the life they live with a homeless person and/or with the life they share on an estate.

Most of the time, their needs are simply met – it’s their humans that add the drama.  For those of you who believe home is where the dog is, remember it goes both ways.

*ps – as I write surrounded by unpacked boxes and a lot to do today, the dogs are each on their beds without a care.  They haven’t once mentioned missing their previous home where they had 2.5 acres on which to roam.  Constant teachers. . .aren’t they?

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