Dogs and A New Year

Posted on Jan 03, 2010
Adopt a Shelter Dog, Behavioral Modification, Dog Humor, Dog Psychology, Dog Training, Dogs and Instinct, Socialization, Uncategorized
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I tried and tried to get the dogs to stay awake to help celebrate the coming of the New Year 2010.  As their heads bobbed and soft snoring could be heard around the room, I decided to join them.  This year, I would celebrate like dogs do.

They go to bed every night and wake up every morning without a care.  They sleep when it’s night (and day) and don’t complain when they wake up – whether it’s in the middle of the night or at the dawn of a day.  They don’t get anxious or worry that they didn’t do enough last year or what they will do in the coming year.

While it is not exactly how I see my life going this year, it’s a great way to start every day.  Every day is a new day and every new day makes a new year.  I looked at the dogs and said, “Thanks for that awareness.”  They replied, “What the heck are you talking about…where’s our breakfast?”  Enough said.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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