The Magic Dog Leash for Training Success

Posted on May 02, 2008
Dog Psychology, Dog Training
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If only. If only there was a leash or collar that I could bless or maybe have Cesar Milan bless that would train your dog effortlessly. I would then offer it to the public as the answer to their dog training problems.

This is it! Now, my career as a dog trainer and behaviorist will be over and the livelihood of all other trainers will be threatened. Read on. . .

I’m referring to the soon-to-be-released Magic Dog Training Leash. It is UNBELIEVABLE. I mean that literally in that it is not to be believed. Seriously, don’t believe any of this. . .

Imagine! With this leash, your dog will instantly heel, sit, stay, lie down, eat all his food, have no aggression issues and be completely housebroken. BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! If you buy now, I’ll throw in the unadvertised special Subliminal Dog Training CD that is guaranteed to keep your dog off any and all furniture. It will also end the need for your dog to chew on expensive shoes! You just play the CD while your pup sleeps, and wait for the miracle of your dog’s behavior modification.

If only. . .

I guess you know that the only way to have a well-behaved dog is to consistently train them. If I can some day perfect the ideas above, you’ll be the first to know!

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