Posted on Feb 12, 2014
Adopt a Shelter Dog, Behavioral Modification, Bully Happiness, Dalmation, Dog Humor, Dog Rescue, Dog Training, Doggie Rehab, Dogs and Instinct, Dogs and Sarcasm, Socialization, Teaching Your Dog to Stay, Timid Dog Behavior

Meet Chloe and Coco. Chloe is an adorable, smart, and amazingly mature 8 year old. Her new best friend and rescued pup is Coco. Chloe’s family already had two larger dogs who are very well trained and the addition of this little one was new territory, so I was called. I am more than delighted to have the pleasure of working with this family and their commitment to having a stable, well behaved small dog (not always an easy task with a nervous rescue).
As some of you know, my heart is with assisting timid dogs in gaining confidence and feeling secure in their new homes. Initially, Coco was afraid of – well, as they say, her own shadow. Now? I will let the images do the talking. This is Chloe and Coco after we walked to school (with a lot of distractions) and are waiting for class to start. I am truly amazed and impressed with how bonded these two are and how this little (a-lot-less-nervous-now) pup looks to Chloe for guidance. A reminder that good things come in small packages – and, I’m not just talking about the dog.

Posted on Nov 05, 2010
Behavioral Modification, Dog Training, Teaching Your Dog to Stay, Teaching Your Dog to Wait
I have clients ask if it is confusing to their dog to be told to wait some times and other times the command is to stay. There is a difference in the two and any dog can and will learn the difference. The stay command (request) is associated with a position; i.e., sit, down, or even standing. It means they do not move from that position until you return to them and give them a clear release, such as a word like okay.
Wait is very similar to what it is for us two-leggers; i.e., give me a second. It’s not attached or associated to the dog’s position. They are free to move around in the area where they are told to wait. It’s also used for entering and exiting doors or at a curb prior to crossing the street.
The most important thing to remember is that when you are teaching these requests, you need to be consistent. Don’t release your dog from a stay at a distance. In time, that may be something you choose to do; however, initially, other than the dog’s position, your returning to them for their release will differentiate the two commands (or requests as I like to call them).
Let’s say you’ve asked your dog to wait at the door as you open it. The first few times, don’t push it too long. The purpose of having them wait is so you can open the door without them rushing out AND to allow you to go first. I have corrected a dog for starting to walk through the door as they have always done and the expression on their furrowed brow as they look at me is clearly an indicator they have no clue why they just got corrected for something that was normal the last time they went through that door!
So, when you are teaching it, remember that for both “stay” and “wait” they are learning! It is so very clear to us big brains what we are expecting. It’s not so clear to our dogs. For either request, only make them stay or wait for a second. Reward! They will quickly learn what is expected and will wait or stay until given the request for them to move.
If you are having challenges in teaching either command (request), I am happy to provide assistance!