Why Would Your Dog Trust You?

Posted on Sep 14, 2008
Behavioral Modification, Dog Psychology, Dog Training
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Trust is an interesting topic. It’s interesting for human relationships and the relationship we have with our dogs. We can love someone, but if we don’t trust them, the relationship isn’t likely to last. This goes for our life with our dog(s) as well as with other humans. While our dogs can’t technically leave us, the companionship we could experience will be missing.

When you call your dog to come to you, they have to trust that your intention for them is something they consider to be good. When you feed them and slip in some medicine, if the taste is horrible they may not be so trusting at their next meal.

Trust is an important aspect of teaching your dog to swim. If you are going to be around a swimming pool, they need to know how to get out should they ever fall in . You don’t want to throw them in and hope for the best. You have to help, show, and teach them. Even when they trust you, their fear may be greater!

I took Mac swimming yesterday for the first time. He’s part Lab (he’s a Labradoodle) so he likes water. I assisted him onto the steps and took it very slowly from there. What I learned, is how much he trusts me. Within a brief period of time, he was leaping after me even though he wasn’t quite grasping how to use has back legs to keep him afloat and accelerate his approach to me.

He received massive praise and was never allowed to sink. Still, what impressed me was his level of trust. He was somewhat afraid but didn’t hesitate to keep trying; all the while knowing that I would be there to catch and support him if needed. It shows the value of my consistent behavior toward him. He absolutely knew that I would not let anything bad happen.

Would your dog trust you? We’ll talk about humans later. =) While you contemplate this, watch Mac enjoy his after-swim-lesson relaxation time.

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