Why Do Dogs Get So Excited at the Front Door?

Posted on Apr 25, 2009
Behavioral Modification, Dog Psychology, Dog Training
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A typical challenge clients want corrected is their dog getting overly excited at the front door.  Dogs learn very quickly that good things happen when their human opens the door.  Remember – any attention may be interpreted as good!

I observed something yesterday when my doorbell rang.  Not a creature was stirring – not one dog barked or understood what that tone meant.  Our last house didn’t have a doorbell so there was no exposure to that sound being a precursor to extreme excitement.

Dogs are amazing students.  They learn from us.  They learn very quickly.  We show them that when the doorbell rings, we hurry to see who is there and we greet our guests with enthusiasm and possibly hugs.  Or, there is someone there who is giving us a box.  Dogs love boxes (or so you’d think by the way they act)!

Dogs don’t come into the home knowing what the door means or what they should do when it is opened.  So, rather than having either your doorbell or dog removed from the home, start early teaching your dog that the front door isn’t so great after all.

For some tips on front door etiquette, send a note in the box to the right.

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