Great Dane Diarrhea Day

Posted on Jun 26, 2008
Behavioral Modification, Dog Training, Housebreaking
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I came home after a hot day of dog training ready to enjoy my pups. I walked in the door and all of the dogs stood back further than normal (or further than waiting to hear me say “back”) so that I can enter freely. It took about two steps before the odor reached my nostrils. At that second, the first response is to breathe through the mouth so that the odor isn’t as bad. Not a good choice either.

The newest family member had obviously gotten a little nervous after I left and had expressed this with diarrhea all over the kitchen floor. The entire house is tile, so not to worry there. Now, it made sense why the other dogs appeared to be tip-toeing to the door — THEY WERE. They also had the look of “it was her!”

Given the size of everyone and the amount of poo, it could only have come from the Great Dane. “Everyone outside.” There was no fear in their eyes because pooing isn’t something they’ve been corrected for unless caught in the act. This one was my fault. I did, however, see a bit of disgust and I think they teased the Dane a bit for her obvious “accident.”

There aren’t enough paper towels on a single roll for Great Dane Diarrhea. I’m sorry to be so blunt. It didn’t take THAT long to clean up and then each dog had to come through to inspect the level of cleanliness. After all, they do eat off that floor!

So, I now have a new phrase for those days that don’t go as smoothly (I just said “go and smoothly!” – yuck) Anyway, some days are just GDD Days – Great Dane Diarrhea Days.

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