Dogs Being Silly

Posted on Jan 20, 2010
Behavioral Modification, Dog Humor, Dog Psychology, Dog Smile, Dogs Express Emotion
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Are your dogs ever silly?  I don’t know what the term would be in dog world, but in human language, it is best described as silly!

I have written previously about Melody, a tiny Yorkie with a horrible past.  If she never exuded a moment of happiness or silliness, it would be understandable.  She, however, is beyond animated when she sees me approach or is ready for a meal.

She crab crawls, wiggles, spins, rolls and turns in excitement.  She reminds me that regardless of how someone appears or what their past experiences have been, inside there may be a little silly waiting to express itself.

We expect puppies to be silly and on some days look forward to when they grow up.  Melody, on the other hand, is far from being puppy age and is getting her silly on later in life.  She shows us that it’s ok.  I think I’ll join her.

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