Teach an Old Dog New “Tricks!”

Posted on Aug 26, 2008
Behavioral Modification, Dog Psychology, Dog Training, Doggie Rehab
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It is never too late for you or your dog to change an unwanted behavior. Some people give up (on themselves and their dog) or surrender to the undesirable behavior. Others wait until the behavior has escalated and considered intolerable before contacting a trainer or behaviorist.

I am here to tell you that it’s never too late! Waiting may not have been the best choice, but you’re here now and so is your dog’s wonderful(?) behavior. It’s never too late. Shifting the behavior slightly and looking for gradual improvement is a good place to start. Don’t expect what was accepted for years (or even months) to disappear.

I have gone to client’s homes to work with their new pup only to find that the senior dog loved the attention and focus of the training as well. As adults, we can still learn (and should be learning) new things all of the time. We shouldn’t expect less of our canine adults. I’ve never sensed that a dog was saying – “I’m too old for this stuff!” Even arthritic, hearing and sight impaired dogs respond to the added attention, energy, and focus of training.

You and your dog are never too old to change an unwanted behavior and to learn a few new tricks!

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