Can Dogs Be Insecure?

Posted on Oct 04, 2009
Behavioral Modification, Dog Psychology, Dogs and Instinct, Pit Bull, Timid Dog Behavior
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Dogs are similar to us when it comes to needing to feel secure.  They may have a past of abuse or may be genetically hard wired to be timid or insecure.  Everyone knows and appreciates what it means to hear someone say, “I’ve got your back.”  That someone accepts you for who you are; even, or especially when you feel insecure.  Olive, a very special Staffordshire Bull Terrier (with an abusive past), was openly insecure and needed someone to have her back in more ways than one.

In her case, it was more that she needed to have someone’s back – literally,  to be able to relax and trust what was going on around her.  If you don’t think dogs need a connection to feel secure, think again.

In this photo, Olive was finding comfort on her life-long companion, Chapin, who always allowed Olive to find her “calm” while resting on top of Chapin.

After Chapin passed, the next two photos show how Olive tried to find that same security in Zoe.  It appears that Olive knew something very valuable – they had her back while she had theirs.

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