Stop A Barking Dog

Posted on Sep 15, 2009
Barking, Behavioral Modification, Dog Humor, Dog Training
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I know you’ve heard it more than once from me that dogs bark.  That’s their voice.  How much they have to say and when they say it, may need to be fine-tuned!

As a personal note, my little guy, Moby (please never tell him he is little), feels the need to exit the slider as he announces to any and all who might go before, after, or are outside when he approaches that he is coming and he is to be feared.

As the temperatures cool and dogs (in the desert) are out more, they may become more excited (accompanied by vocal expression – i.e., barking) in exclamation that they can once again be given free access to the outside world that fears and respects them.

Tonight, Moby was declaring his presence to a neighboring dog.  I walked outside and sometimes that alone is enough.  This time, I gave the human hand signal for “cut” by turning my flattened hand toward my neck as I said “ixnay arkingbay.”  He stopped immediately and hasn’t barked since.

Why do I share this moment of enlightment?  To let you know that once your dog listens, respects, and responds to you, you can even speak in pig Latin and they will get it.  It all means stop, and most important is the energy behind your words. Their respect for you will be evident.

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