How Important is it for Your Dog to Heel?

Posted on Jan 24, 2009
Behavioral Modification, Dog Training, Socialization
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Heel is the word used for having your dog walk along beside you.  They are to be walking at the same pace and hopefully in the same direction!  The purpose is so they are not pulling you down the street and they have the understanding they are walking with you and not the other way around.

Their head should be approximately in line with your left leg and not a head’s length in front of you.   Why are they on the left?  Good question.  It most likely started with hunters and the human’s right hand was occupied with a weapon so the dog was on the left.

I am asked a lot why the dog needs to heel.  Clients may want their dog to learn “sit” and “down” and “stay,” but wonder why it is necessary to learn to heel.  If you ever need to have your dog on a leash and out in public, you will want them to work with you and to walk nicely at your side.

Teaching your dog to heel is one of the building blocks of your relationship.  They don’t absolutely have to learn it; however, it’s like learning algebra prior to learning arithmetic.  You can do it, but it’s easier to begin with the basics.  In this case, the basics are teaching your dog to listen and respond to you and what better way than while on a walk where there are all sorts of distractions.

If you have questions regarding teaching your dog to heel, please send me a note in the box to the right.  I am glad to assist you!

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