How Many Words Can a Dog Learn?

Posted on Feb 12, 2009
Behavioral Modification, Dog Psychology, Dog Training
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It is amazing dogs understand human language.  What is even more amazing is how many words they can and do learn.  I know of a service dog who understands over 300 words.

So, when I am asked if I am confusing a dog during training by using different words – the answer is no.  It takes time and repetition for them to understand.  When the word is associated consistently with a behavior or command followed by a reward and/or positive praise, they will get it.

This is not to say they may act like they don’t understand what you mean when you tell them “down.”  However, it is important you make sure they know the command and what is expected.  Once they understand a command, waiting patiently for them to follow through is key.  It’s not necessary to repeat the command ten times as the volume of your voice increases along with your frustration.  You can see in them when they get it!  If they look confused, they probably are.

Give a command, wait. . .wait. . .(if necessary) and hold the command as you look at the dog.  Do this consistently and with little distraction until they are consistent.  Only then, can you be sure they know what you are asking and they aren’t just responding to part of a process while in training.

How many words can they learn?  How many do you want to teach?  How many do you have a need for and the patience to consistently teach and expect follow through.  When you ask them to do “something,”  They need to do it.  I remember the words of my Father when I was asked to do something. . .I looked at him questioning, “why?”    His response, “because I said so.”

Teach that one to the dog!

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