Raw Diet For Dogs

Posted on Aug 12, 2010
Behavioral Modification, Countery Surfing, Dog Humor, Labradoodle, Raw Food Diet
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I know a lot of advocates for the raw food diet for dogs. It makes sense considering what they would eat naturally. Some buy the meat already ground, grind it themselves, or purchase the pre-packaged, pre-mixed, thaw-and-serve portions.

I now know of a much easier way to serve it. Less odor, less time, a lot less preparation. Serve it frozen! Some dogs get excited over chewing on an ice cube. What could be better than a raw meat popsicle? Not much, according to Mac.

While staying at Mac’s other home, he decided to save his human friend a little work. She had left a completely frozen roast in the sink to thaw for later preparation. She left for a short period of time, as the rock-hard frozen roast lay unguarded in the sink. Who needs preparation if you’re a dog?

Mac ate the frozen roast and all evidence was removed less a tiny square of what was the wrapper. I’m sure this particular popsicle also served as a remover of tooth decay! In more ways than one, Mac knew he was on to something. Meat Popsicles!  Since he can’t speak in words, he used his own form of sign language – a demonstration of sorts –  to communicate his exciting concept. Brilliant idea!

For those of you who contact me because your dog counter surfs, I say, “hmmmm? I don’t know anything about that.” =)

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